Dragon's Blood Resin
Dragon's Blood Resin (1/2oz) is a beautiful deep red resin that has a distinct aroma when used as an incense. Dragon's Blood can also be ground down into a powder and used to make magickal inks. Dragon’s blood resin is a popular incense for ritual purposes. The resin burned as incense can be used for cleansing, especially to rid a new space of the energies of the former occupants to make room for yours when you are preparing to move in. It is also known to be a powerful additional to spells when used to increase protection for the caster. Dragon's Blood can also serve as an attractant when casting money or love drawing spells and it is particularly useful in work relating to personal power.
Planetary Alignment: Mars
Uses: Cleansing, Personal Power, Love, Money, Luck, Banishment
Element: Fire
Chakra: Heart
God/Goddess: Hecate, Aphroditie, Isis
Zodiac: Aries