Meditation Sage Bundle

Meditation Sage Bundle

  • $4.50
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This 4" Meditation Sage Bundle includes hand tied Mountain Sage interlaced with  Frankincense, Myrrh, and White Copal Resin.   This bundle is perfect for preparing your space for business, intellectual gathering, meditation, or relaxation.

Sage is one of the fastest ways to cleanse your space and home, while Frankincense & Myrrh work to relieve any stress and clear away the negative energy that may be lingering in your area.  White Copal Resin does double duty here by helping to shift you into a more positive mindset and providing an amazing scent.

Planetary Alignment: Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Uses: Grounding, Purification, Meditation, Business
Element: Air / Water / Earth / Fire
Chakra: ALL
God/Goddess: Myrrha, Jesus, Hestia
Zodiac: All

All natural sage products are placed in plastic bags for transportation. They are not intended to be kept in the plastic bags. To prevent mold please keep in room temperature, not in extreme temperatures and not in sealed packages.